Applied Digital Learning Journey Synthesis
The ADL program allowed me to morph my experience in COVA into a flexible, student-centered teaching philosophy that espouses student autonomy, curiosity, and participatory roles. I now see learning as dynamic and mobile, where students can do exploratory study for experimentation and growth. Indeed, this has been profound thinking for me since then, provoking me to evoke deeper change within myself, my classroom, and my organization.
5305 - Disruptive Innovation in Technology
I designed and piloted gamification strategies in pre-kindergarten math to create engaging, interactive, and meaningful learning experiences for young learners.
5302 - Concepts of Educational Technology
I created a comprehensive ePortfolio to document professional growth, showcase innovative projects, and share valuable resources with my colleagues and the wider educational community.
5303 - Applying Educational Technology ePortfolio
I created an ePortfolio to share my work, reflect on my growth, and develop my voice.
5313 - Creating Significant Learning Environments Constructivist
I analyzed the learning theories, chose the ones that adapt to our educational system, and then combined them to create and implement important digital learning environments, developing the 3-column table. The UbD design to plan my unit in the class, I also updated and expanded my growth plan mindset that had already started in the previous quarter; finally, to combine the two courses mentioned above, I collected all the information and placed it in my e-portfolio to contribute to my process academics and communities to develop and grow important digital learning environments.
5317 - Resources Digital Environments
I examine available digital learning tools to assess my usability and effectiveness in educational settings. I devised a tentative structure for the publication that focused on using these digital resources in one project after creating an outline of an initial approach to convey how the digital resource was applied in the context of education. Next, I made a presentation that would be a podcast to ensure that my audience sees and hears how beneficial such resources are for learning. Finally, I combined all the data and the analysis to develop the final report I wanted to present.
5304 - Leading organizational change
I learned to be a self-differentiated leader and developed tools that address the inevitable resistance to change when launching innovative digital learning initiatives. Then, I analyzed, articulated, and developed the “why,” the critical vision or purpose for the change required in my organization, my influencer and six sources of influence model, and the team’s 4DX strategy to assess the motivation needed to support change within in my organization and finally, I applied Crucial Conversations to my organization’s change strategy.
5318 - Instructional Design in Online Learning
I assessed the effectiveness of instructional plans and communicated to stakeholders the pedagogical value of digital tools, emphasizing their impact. Through the research undertaken, challenges have been uncovered, and critical questions have come up to refine my approach in light of what I have learned so far. Each phase enabled me to apply my learning to ensure my design was practical and well-structured.
5389 - Developing Effective Professional Learning
I designed and delivered professional development sessions with colleagues, focusing on innovative and practical educational strategies.
5315 - Assessing Digital Learning and Instruction
I assessed the instructional impact of implementing my innovation plans, Gamification in math, and creating engaging pre-kindergarten digital learning environments.
5320 - Synthesis of Applied Digital Learning Capstone
I synthesized knowledge from the ADL program to establish myself as a digital leader, promoting innovation and driving organizational change within educational settings.
Dweck, C. (2016). Mindset: The new psychology of success. Ballantine Books.
Harapnuik, D., Thibodeaux, T., & Cummings, C. (2018). Choice, Ownership, and Voice through Authentic Learning. Creative Commons License.
Harapnuik, D. (n.d.). CSLE+COVA. It's About Learning.
Harapnuik, D. (2015, May 9). Creating significant learning environments (CSLE) [Video]. YouTube.
Pink, D. H. (2009). Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us. Riverhead Books.
Sinek, S. (2009). Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action. Retrieved from