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Innovation Proposal

                                                                                                                                                                                             January 18, 2024


Innovation Proposal

Learning Mathematics through Fun Gaming in Pre-Kindergarten


Dear Administration and Instructional Specialist of the Grace England Pre-K Early Childhood,



Teaching mathematics in Pre-K is a unique opportunity to lay the foundation for intense, positive learning in children from an early age. During this crucial stage of development, children are eager to explore the world around them and build a basic understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts. Alegre (2022) points out in his blog that "Learning mathematics in preschool is not different from learning other concepts or skills: if children are going to learn something that seems useful, interesting or fun, they will love learning it, but yes, in their eyes, it is irrelevant, then they will disconnect immediately." In this sense, introducing mathematical concepts in Pre-K will not simply be about transmitting formulas or numbers but rather about cultivating a love of discovery and problem-solving.

However, teaching at this educational level can be complex if we consider the short attention spans to which infants between 3 and 5 years old are exposed. (Pedraza & Ley 2022). From there, teachers must immerse themselves in the demands of their students' age and the teaching demands of the moment we find ourselves, creating a stimulating educational environment focused on play, where mathematics lessons become exciting and meaningful experiences for children.

Following the previous approach, I propose to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics through Gamification by using different games adapted to this level where the way to acquire mathematical knowledge is more rewarding and fun. According to Sánchez (2015), "this methodology called "gamification or gamification" has been associated with "serious games" that emerged from the use of recreational technologies, video games, for educational actions" (p.13). In this sense, video games and technological applications being a resource that attract the attention of the vast majority, using Gamification as a didactic, innovative, creative resource for children aged 3 to 5 years will make learning mathematics more significant. Children will be more motivated and interested in learning, it will allow them to improve their mathematical skills, it will contribute to improving their performance within the scope of comprehensive development, and finally, it will be beneficial for the teacher since it will facilitate the process of consolidating knowledge in the students, achieving with the Prekindergarten objectives established in the curriculum. Lastly, I am asking for approval to allow me to test Gamification as a teaching tool in my Pre-K math classroom during the 2023- 2024 school year.

Thank you for your consideration,

Neylly Guedez






Parra, E., & Torres, M. (2018). La gamificación como recurso didáctico en la enseñanza del diseño [Gamification as a didactic resource in design education]. Obtenido de

Sánchez, F. (2015). Gamification. Education in the Knowledge Society, 16 (2), 13-15.

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