Currently, the number of changes that affect us from a social, economic, political, and technological point of view is the result of the historical development of processes that have been transforming society since previous centuries. In this sense, in the educational field, comparing the video about progressive education in 1940 with the current education model, we first observe that we continue using the same discourse referring to meaningful learning.
The video mentions that the knowledge acquired during an authentic experience is better understood and retained longer. It also refers to the fact that we must prepare our children not for the world of the road, not for our world, but for the world of the future. Second, the pedagogical approach in 1940 focused on active learning and participation, encouraging the students to develop critical thinking and exploration.
On the contrary, although in current education, we continue with progressive ideas, there is the presence of standardized evaluations that only promote memorization. Third, about resources and technology. In 1940, there was no presence of technological tools; teachers were able to teach using books and a blackboard; fortunately, today that has changed, and most schools have advanced technological tools such as computers, iPads, educational platforms, and a bunch of other online resources that allow students to access information and be actively participating in learning.
However, despite the positive aspects in which education has advanced, after reviewing the blog post ''People who like these things... like these things'' it is evident that some people may show resistance to positive change, which by assuming can generate uncertainty, fear of failing when trying something new or not leaving their comfort zone where for years they have applied the same teaching strategies. In the case of my organization, we have a very efficient instructional specialist who frequently promotes innovation in learning environments, strictly using the four steps mentioned in the blog (Start with why, Identify and recruit critical influencers, Install an effective execution strategy, and recruit and empower differentiated leaders). Although sometimes people resist change, they use convincing arguments to achieve the desired objective.